Friday, August 10, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

Wow. I can't believe I finally arrived at the end of the "23 things" journey! Had a few bumps along the way, but overall it was a very interesting learning experience. I'm sure the journey is not over, as new technologies evolve.

#22 Audiobooks

The World Ebook fair site is quite with many interesting books to download. This was quite easy to do, and I downloaded and listened to a couple of books from my childhood such as the Little Match girl by Hans Christian Anderson and Rumpelstiltskin by Gebrüder Grimm. They certainly brought back some happy memories.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

Just been exploring some podcasts of my favourite topics such as music, movies. There seems to be podcasts on just about any topic you can think of! I found the Yahoo Podcasts quite a good site. I think this is a great way of sharing information. Podcasts have a definite application in libraries

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

The Web 2.0 Awards nominees were far too numerous to get through all of them, but I found myself spending hours exploring quite a few, from the work-related to the purely fun sites.There are some very smart people out there.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

#18 Web-based Apps: They're not just for desktops

I found Zoho Writer quite easy to use and very similar to MS word. I created an account and even created a couple of documents that I can save online, publish and share as a public file. And the best thing about this and other web-based applications is that they are free.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

#17 Playing around with PBWiki

Well I've just been playing around in the sandbox, and even added my own thoughts. It was quite easy to add my blog to the favourite blogs list. It was great exploring around, discovering links to other wikis on some of my favourite topics. Could spend hours exploring and discovering.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

#16 So what's in a Wiki

I've just been exploring some wiki sites, particularly the book lovers wiki, set up by Princeton University. It is very interesting reading people's opinions on books and other topics, and having the opportunity to add my own thoughts. I can see the benefits of wikis.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

After reading several of the articles in this exercise, I believe that learning all these new technologies is both a great challenge and opportunity. We can make a difference to both clients and colleagues by embracing all relevant emerging technologies. The actual learning part is half the fun. Also helping eachother along the way.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

#14 Technorati

It boggles my mind, the number of blogs there are out there in cyberspace! It's been quite an awesome experience exploring Technorati. I can see myself getting carried away, reading through the blogs on interests similar to mine, and becoming a "blog addict"!!


I have just taken the 12 minute tutorial on I have been searching around the site, and found it quite easy to move. It's a great tool for finding sites on your favourite topics and bookmarking them. I also think it would be a very useful tool for conducting research at work.

Friday, July 27, 2007

#12 Rollyo

I found Rollyo quite easy to use and created my own searchroll with some of the websites I use quite often. It was quite easy to do. I found it a really handy tool It's great to have all your favourite websites grouped together.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

RSS feeds

Just been exploring and setting up feeds through bloglines. It's quite easy to do once you get started. And so very convenient to have all your news and interests on the one page!

Until next time. This is Catwoman signing off.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007


I've been exploring the many Flickr 3rd party sites. It's very easy to get carried away and forget the time, as one site will lead to another, more exciting site. and also writing about it here!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Hi all. Just been exploring the wonderful world of Flickr. Created an account and uploaded a photo. You can pretty much find photos of anything you can think of! I was quite boring and uploaded a photo of my cat! (well I think he's cute, hope you all agree)
Anyway. I'm off to explore some more. Until the next installment...same cat time...same cat channel!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My first post. Here goes! Well this is all new and exciting. Looking forward to getting through the "23 things" with you all in the next few weeks.

Bye for now.:-)